Superstate has delivered five solar trackers of 3.2kW each for a combined installed capacity of 16kW to a farm in Stallarholmen outside of Stockholm as part of the Self-Sustainable Farm project.
Self-Sustainable Farm is the concept of a circular energy system on a farm which can be achieved by mounting Solar PV on solar trackers and utilizing the areas below the solar trackers for cultivation, energy conversion and storage. The electricity generated from the solar trackers can be used to produce Green Ammonia which functions as an energy storage. Green Ammonia can later be used for electricity generation, for heat production, as vehicle fuel and for producing fertilizers to the farm.
The Self-Sustainable Farm project is funded by Agtec 2030 and Vinnova with Superstate, Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) and Agro Sörmland as project partners. The farmer Dan Jonsson is serving as the Demonstration customer for the concept.
“Solar trackers enables a more efficient use of agricultural land. Up to 50% more electricity can be generated per m2 Solar PV by tracking the suns movement and the areas below the solar trackers can be used for cultivation“ says Dan Jonsson
The installation of the five solar trackers constitutes the first phase of the Self Sustainable Farm demonstration project with the second phase of the project focusing on Superstate’s novel process for producing Green Ammonia from solar power.
Superstate is currently assessing this novel process with Patent filing estimated to be completed in Q1 2023
For more information on the Self-Sustainable Farm please see this link